Site Management

As of today, the key production processes of seasoned flour products, vegetable products, bean-based products and other products have achieved automation with their production efficiency constantly improved.

Most of Our Production Lines Have Achieved Automation
We have implemented strict monitoring of key parameters throughout the production process. Most of our automation equipment is developed in-house. Meanwhile, we established partnerships with equipment manufacturers to automate our production procedures and upgrade our production facilities.
Facility Upgrade to Accelerate the Pace of Entering Into Digital Intelligent Era
Through intelligent upgrade of all facilities, productivity has been promoted while cross contamination possibly occurred in manual operation has been decreased. The company will continue to introduce various intelligent equipment and devices to achieve online collection and analysis of data, to improve efficiency and to reduce the cost.
Everyone Joining In Proposal Improvements to Optimize On-site Management
Through setting up a series of proposal review and incentive mechanism, motivation of staff to join in on-site improvements has been dramatically enhanced. Implementation of large amounts of improved proposals further optimized production process, reduced production cost and comprehensively improved on-site management level.
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